Advocacy is a process of endeavouring to convince others, generally decision-makers, to support a campaign or a policy that one considers important. It can apply at different levels, from home to government level. For advocacy to be effective, it is useful to get youths to begin where they are most likely to succeed i.e. where they have the most influence, with their friends, parents, teachers, local community leaders etc.

As an organization, YETT has been a leading youth voice on policy advocacy by either creating platforms for policy discourse or mobilizing and organizing youth for a common policy agenda. YETT has recognized successes in stirring debate on policy through mass outreaches in communities, sponsoring on-air live debates on and radio, submitting policy briefs to the Parliament through Parliamentary Portfolio Committees. YETT also continue to organize policy briefings and public meetings between youth and key policy-making and implementing institutions such parliament, government ministries and political players.

Through, several meetings between the youth and institutions such as parliament, government ministries and other key stakeholders organizations YETT has been working to promote youth participation in various initiatives related to the country’s political future and framework. YETT also worked with partner organizations to mobilize young people to attend and submit their views on the Electoral reforms, Consumer Protection Bill, MOPA Bill. All this work has been done in partnership with several other youth partner organizations thereby fostering coordination of youth work in the country. A variety of platforms in the form of potluck gatherings and advocacy coordination meetings are offered annually to about 10 000 young people with opportunities to respond to context specific issues related to the welfare of young people and their voices were consolidated into statements presented to decision makers as well as articles published in the media.

YETT has also led the process of advocating for the National Youth Policy review in 2009 through coordinating and consolidating youth voices at grassroots level by way of provincial consultations in all administrative provinces of the country. The input of the consultations was presented to then Ministry of Youth Development Indigenization and Empowerment now Ministry of Youth, Sports, Arts and Recreation leading to the government youth policy review process led by the Zimbabwe Youth Council (ZYC). In addition, YETT has been participating in advocacy initiatives for youth participation in the development of the national healing framework, the Electoral Reforms, Peace Initiatives etc.

YETT has been championing youth participation in national discourse and broader development process. The strategy  involves continuously monitoring key legislation with a view to provide timely responses on issues affecting youth and youth organization. YETT has been a leading youth voice on policy advocacy by either creating platforms for policy discourse or mobilizing and organizing youth for a common policy agenda. Through, several meetings between the youth and institutions such as parliament, government ministries and other key stakeholder organizations ,YETT has been working to promote youth participation in various initiatives related to the country’s political future and framework, among others the constitutional review and the participation of youth in parliamentary and presidential elections as well as advocacy so as to ensure an environment that is conducive for young people to take part effectively in future electoral processes. YETT also works with partner organizations to mobilize young people in increasing youth participation through the following interventions.

1. Youth Budgeting Makes Cents (YBMC)

These efforts are meant to champion youth participation in local and national development processes using a strategy that brings together young people’s advocacy efforts into acoordinated  programme for enhanced participation of young people in decision-making processes. The coordinated advocacy campaigns facilitates the pooling of skills, resources and experiences among  YETT partner organizations to develop relevant campaigns that assist in the inclusion of youth aspirations in local and national decision-making processes.

Strategies are also in place to facilitate the participation of youth in the national budget formulation and while follow up meetings with decision-makers are held to ensure accountability and increase the participation of young people in public consultative meetings so as to ensure that youth development programmes are adequately funded in the budget.

2. Working with Media

YETT contributes to increased citizens’ access to information through providing education and information to the public. Advocacy efforts by YETT and its partners are also complimented by the use of media, that is from the mainstream media to social media. YETT also acknowledges journalists who portray youths as positive drivers of social change in communities through the third edition of the Youth Voice Media Awards which have been instrumental in motivating journalists to promote youth issues in their reporting hence increased coverage of youth challenges and aspirations in the mainstream media. In 2018. YETT used the media (Star FM) through “Budding Voices” to encourage young people to register to vote, inspect the Voter’s Roll and to VOTE on the election day.

3. Youth Engage

YETT realizes that sustainable participation of young people is premised on its core values of inclusivity and cooperation; hence strategies have been implemented to increase interaction of the community and key stakeholders in the process of problem identification and development of solutions to address these challenges.
Through conducting Action Research YETT has reached about 1000 youths who are now confident to gather information that can be used to dialogue with key stakeholders on the possibility of testing the proposed solutions within their respective communities.
At the same time, YETT has been using the Rights Way Forward Process in selected communities to coordinate young people to contribute in solving community challenges by developing solutions and working with duty-bearers in addressing them.

4. Youth Participation in Elections

YETT contributes to increased citizens’ access to information through providing education and information to the public. Advocacy efforts by YETT and its partners are also complimented by the use of media, that is from the mainstream media to social media. YETT also acknowledges journalists who portray youths as positive drivers of social change in communities through the third edition of the Youth Voice Media Awards which have been instrumental in motivating journalists to promote youth issues in their reporting hence increased coverage of youth challenges and aspirations in the mainstream media. In 2018. YETT used the media (Star FM) through “Budding Voices” to encourage young people to register to vote, inspect the Voter’s Roll and to VOTE on the election day.

5. Multi-Party Dialogue

YETT’s non-partisan efforts have brought together political parties, especially their youth wings, to strategize on common efforts for solving youth issues in the country.
YETT also provided platforms for youth representatives from different political parties to dialogue as a strategy to create common opinions on youth challenges. In the run up to 2013 elections, spotlight debates were held with youth political leaders who gave varied opinions on youth challenges, therefore, setting the tone for continuous dialogue based on clear priorities, which are informed by the clear resolutions presented by young people


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